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Watersports association 'Het Haventje' was founded in 1988 and now has more than 25 years of history. Our association marina is located on the river Maas, near the beautiful town of Batenburg. With over 125 members, our marina is a showpiece in this picturesque part of the Netherlands, located at the beginning of the nature reserve 'the Liendense Waard', created by the restoration of an old river arm.

About Batenburg: Located in the Land of Maas and Waal, Batenburg is a historic town with a past dating back to Roman times. The town is rich in history and has a protected townscape because of its many monuments. Despite its limited population, Batenburg is often referred to as a town, and it houses, among other things, an imposing castle ruin.

Batenburg's surroundings, including places like Wijchen, Appeltern, Maasbommel, Megen and Ravenstein, are within cycling distance and offer wonderful opportunities for water sports enthusiasts seeking peace, space and nature.

History of 'Het Haventje': Water sports club 'Het Haventje' was founded in 1988 by a few enthusiastic residents of Batenburg, seasoned water sports enthusiasts, who realised that more attention should be paid to water tourism. They decided to work together to create jetties along the Meuse for passing ships. It was Mr Jacques Luijten, supported by Wim Borneman Sr, Thijs Colijn, Leon Borneman and Ad Streef, who founded the association.

The harbour, including a spacious floating jetty, was built in 1988 with a subsidy and festively opened by Mr Pieter van Vollenhove on 10 June 1988. Then, with much effort, the finger piers along the shore were created and the harbour office of the Public Works Department was purchased and put into use. In later years, the harbour building was thoroughly renovated with the help of members.

Through the Nature and Safety Project Batenburg, an old arm of the Meuse was excavated and transformed into the Liendense Waard nature reserve. This gave Watersports Association 'Het Haventje' a modern harbour with new jetties, with space for more than 60 berths. All this was possible thanks to the efforts of the then chairman Rob Uijen and his board.

Here you can now enjoy peace and space in a beautiful location where nature and history come together.

The Harbour Team: Watersports Association 'Het Haventje' cannot exist without the indispensable 'self-help'. Our harbour team, consisting of volunteers, tackles various tasks in close cooperation with the board. Every Wednesday morning, they are on standby and contribute to the well-being of our association, with both sociability and productivity. For questions or information about the harbour team, please contact Puck Willems on (+31) 658872094.

The Harbour Master: Despite our aversion to rules and regulations, there is still a lot to organise in our harbour. Our harbour master is in control of the day-to-day running of the marina and takes care of contact with passers-by.

As your first point of contact in the marina, he can provide you with access codes for the gate, sanitary facilities and WiFi. He also collects harbour fees and knows Batenburg like the back of his hand. Do not hesitate to ask him for advice on how to make the best use of your time in Batenburg and the surrounding area. You can reach the harbourmaster at (+31) 611215376.

Membership and Berths: If you are considering becoming a member of Watersports Association 'Het Haventje', please register as a candidate for membership with our secretary. It is our policy to meet you in person before you become a member. During this meeting, we can inform you about rates and available moorings. Any changes to your details, such as a change of address, telephone number, family membership, or termination of membership, can be notified to the secretary via secretary.

Termination of membership is only possible in writing and must be submitted before 1 December of the calendar year. You can address cancellations to:

Watersports Association 'Het Haventje' Batenburg Veerstraat 4 6634 AE Batenburg Netherlands

For Passers-by: As a passer-by, you are very welcome in our quiet harbour on the Maas. During the day, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., you are free to moor at the transient jetty to explore Batenburg and the surrounding area. Port fees are payable from 16:00 to 9:00 the next och

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