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WSV Oude IJssel

Watersports Association De Oude IJssel: An Oasis of Water Fun

Watersports Association "De Oude IJssel" has a rich history, founded in 1938 as "Sailing Association De Oude IJssel". In 2013, we celebrated our 75th anniversary. Although originally founded as a sailing association, most of our members have motor boats, and we even host individual skiffeurs.

On 31 August 2013, we received the Royal Medal of Honour in recognition of our contribution to the water sports community. Our main goal is to promote sailing water sports.

WSV "De Oude IJssel" is proudly affiliated to the Royal Dutch Watersports Association (KNWV). Whether you sail a sailing vessel or a motor vessel, you are most welcome in our picturesque harbour!

Facilities You Expect:

Our marina offers excellent facilities:

  • Showers with cold and hot running water.
  • Toilets.
  • Water connection at the jetty.
  • Installation for waste water disposal.
  • Disposal point for emptying chemical toilets.
  • Rubbish can be deposited in our containers.
  • The marina is illuminated at night.

Since 2019, we have a new attraction at our marina, an asset to Doesburg. Bicycles are available for guests from May 2019. You may borrow the bike for one hour for free if you want to do shopping in the neighbourhood, in consultation with the harbour master.

If you need the bike for longer, you can rent it for €7.50.

Explore the surroundings:

Our marina is located in Doesburg, at the Sluizencomplex "Verloren van Themaat sr." on the Barend Ubbinkweg, next to the lock. We offer several moorings on either side of the Oude IJssel, each with their own facilities.

Doesburg itself is known for its beautifully restored historic town centre and fortifications. The waterfront town has much to offer, from restaurants to cultural events. Every first Sunday of the month is a cultural Sunday, with many galleries open.

Don't miss the chance to visit our cosy harbour and enjoy everything Doesburg and our water sports club have to offer. Welcome aboard!

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