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W.s.v. the Zuiderzee

Welcome to the website of WSV de Zuiderzee! The association's harbour is located on the Noorder IJ Dijk, right next to the Oranjesluizen which provide access from the Markermeer to the IJ and vice versa.

The board and members of the association warmly welcome passers-by for a pleasant stay in idyllic Schellingwoude, where a trip to Amsterdam is certainly one of the possibilities.

History of the association Watersportsvereniging De Zuiderzee was founded in 1959 by a notary who lived on the Noorder IJdijk. It started as a modest mooring for a few boats. Thanks to the voluntary efforts of members, the harbour has continued to grow over the years. Currently, the association has 85 members and 49 moorings.

On Sunday 27 September 2009, the association celebrated its 50th anniversary. As the association does not have its own clubhouse, the festive anniversary reception took place in Schellingwoude's atmospheric little church. Afterwards, a work of art, created by one of the members, was unveiled on the marina.

Location of the WSV de Zuiderzee marina Coming from the Markermeer, go under the Schellingwouderbrug and then keep starboard. Coming from Amsterdam, go through the Oranjesluizen locks, and after the Oranjesluizen waiting piers, turn portside.

Coordinates N 52° 22.95726 E 04° 57.74812

Noorder IJdijk Schellingwoude.

Opening hours and harbour fees Passers-by are welcome to visit our harbour from 1 April to 30 October. The head jetties are always kept free for passers-by, but members staying elsewhere are also happy to place their box at the association's disposal to receive passers-by.

It is also possible for passers-by to stay several nights in our marina. Exactly what is possible should be discussed with the harbour master on duty and will depend on availability.

Passers-by may stay in our marina for a maximum of 2 weeks. If you wish to stay longer, you should get in touch with the board. Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.

The rate for passers-by is as follows: Vessel length x €1.25

No discounts are granted for longer stays in the port.

On weekdays, no harbourmaster is available during the day; a harbourmaster makes his rounds only in the early evening. You can moor your boat at the head jetty. If you prefer a box, please check the display cabinet opposite the toilets/shower whether a box is available for the night in question.

As far as payment of the harbour fees is concerned, it is preferred that you pay via bank transfer directly into the bank account of WSV de Zuiderzee. The account number is NL16INGB0000512086 in the name of De Zuiderzee. Please mention in your bank transfer the name and length of your ship, as well as the date of arrival. If you prefer to pay in cash, please contact the harbour master on duty. However, we ask you to pay as much as possible in cash.

On weekends during the above-mentioned period, members will take care of filling the position of harbourmaster from 08:30 to 22:00. They will receive you, and assign a berth if necessary.

We wish you a pleasant stay in our marina and hope to welcome you again.

Facilities at the marina of WSV de Zuiderzee The association has opted for a number of basic facilities that can be used by members and passers-by. On the jetties you will find water taps with and without hoses, as well as connections for shore power (6 ampere). The jetties are illuminated at night.

As sanitary facilities, one ladies' and one men's toilet and a shower room are available. The toilets are free to use, while the shower provides hot water after a 50 eurocent coin is deposited in the dispenser.

On the Noorder-IJdijk, the association has a container where passers-by can deposit household rubbish. Wifi is available at the marina, but the board does not guarantee reception. For the use of Wifi, passers-by do not incur any charges. However, downloading large files, such as films, is prohibited.

Surroundings of the port Schellingwoude is a village in Landelijk Noord, the sparsely populated rural part of the Amsterdam-Noord district, part of Amsterdam, in the Dutch province of North Holland. The village was an independent municipality until 1857; that year it became part of the municipality of Ransdorp, which merged into the municipality of Amsterdam on 1 January 1921.

The village is located on the Noorder IJdijk between Nieuwendam and Durgerdam. It consists of several dozen houses and a few other buildings, including a church. Some houses are made of wood. Most houses are on the dike along the IJ. A lower street runs parallel to the dike. The waterfront church is also located behind the dike, on a mound. The small building dates from 1866 and was originally used by the Dutch Reformed congregation. Excavations have revealed

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