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Marina 't Swaentje

Yacht marina 't Swaentje

Jachthaven 't Swaentje is situated in a beautiful location in Westknollendam, directly on the Zaan. A unique location, with a direct connection to the Alkmaarder- Uitgeestermeer recreation area and the North Sea Canal!

The marina has 180 berths on fixed jetties, ranging in length from 5 to 15 metres, 90% of which have side jetties along the entire length of the boat. The marina has a comfortable heated toilet block with toilets, showers and washing facilities. The marina also has a cosy Eatery for which they are currently looking for a new tenant.

There are connections for drinking water and shore power on the jetties. These facilities are free for tenants of permanent moorings. Due to the marina's spacious layout, manoeuvring is no problem.

From April 2015, part of the marina will consist of floating jetties. This will provide more space for larger boats. If you are still looking for a berth, please feel free to contact Martin van Leeuwen. The parking area can be found behind Pieter Kuiperlaan, which can be reached via the first street on the left (Amfibiplein), then turn right and the parking area is at the end. To enter this area, they must have a pass to open the barrier. They can get this pass at marina 't Swaentje. They ask for a 10 euro deposit for this.

The area offers plenty of opportunities for boat trips to various places, including Amsterdam, Haarlem, IJmuiden, De Nieuwe Meer, Amstelveen, Alkmaar, Uitgeest, Akersloot, the Alkmaarder- and Uitgeestermeer, and the Schermerpolder, Purmerend and Edam. There are plenty of sights to enjoy!

The charm of the Zaan region consists of a combination of peat meadow areas, typical Zaan timber construction, industrial monuments, the Zaan, village atmospheres and a city centre. A special characteristic of the Zaan region is the Zaan. 11 kilometres long, the old peat river connects the various village centres.

Uitgeest, one of the most beautiful water sports villages in Kennemerland with over 12,000 inhabitants, is located in North Holland, on the Alkmaarder and Uitgeestermeer lake. Around the lake they will find no fewer than five recreational areas, where they can relax by swimming and playing safely in good-quality public water, which is regularly monitored. Uitgeest and its surroundings are a beautiful area for water sports enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Winter storage 2023/2024

Boats for indoor and/or outdoor racking can be brought by appointment from 30 September.

Saturday, 7 October, they will start hoisting sloops to the loft.

The other lifting days they will consult with customers.

Kind regards, Martin and Maurice van Leeuwen

During the winter period, they have come to the right place at Jachthaven 't Swaentje. Their boat can be stored both inside and outside. The temperature inside does not go below 4 degrees. Right out of the water, the underwater hull is cleaned under high pressure. If they wish, they can have an inspection of the (underwater) vessel carried out. There is great experience in winterising the technical installations and engine.

The yard has a column slewing crane with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tonnes (also standing mast!). This makes it possible to place their vessel on shore very efficiently. The shipyard is located at Veerdijk 100 in Wormer.


Jachthaven 't Swaentje has knowledge and facilities for installing and maintaining engines and the various technical installations. They can come to Jachthaven 't Swaentje for, among other things, the professional installation of a bow thruster, (major) engine maintenance, engine overhaul and various other common jobs on their boat.

From April onwards, there is an opportunity to store their boat in the shed or outside for 2 or 3 weeks for self-maintenance.

The port has a column slewing crane with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tonnes. This allows them to very efficiently place their boat on shore for inspection, repair/maintenance or winter storage.

Martin and Maurice van Leeuwen are knowledgeable when it comes to repair and maintenance work. Their experience can always be called upon.

They can also be contacted for maintenance and repairs. This can be done by phone on 06-25167681 or by e-mail.

Marina 't Swaentje

  • Telephone: 075-628 55 14
  • Mobile: 06-25 16 76 81
  • E-mail:
  • Address: West-Knollendam 64, 1525 PP West-Knollendam.

They look forward to welcoming you and providing you with excellent service at Jachthaven 't Swaentje!

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